Attention all sports aficionados! We cordially invite YOU to become the focal point of our exclusive blog series. Share information with us such as your name, the sports you avidly follow, your beloved teams, and delve deep into the captivating narrative of your collecting journey. Give us an insight into where the hobby started for you and your love for sports cards and all things memorabilia. We can't wait to hear the story behind your most cherished item or perhaps that one card that holds an irreplaceable spot in your heart. Don't hesitate to provide us with any information you deem relevant, we want to know everything! If it revolves around cards and you, we yearn to hear about it.
To take advantage of this opportunity, follow the loose questions below and email your submissions, accompanied by any additional information you think is relevant. Send your entry to, and your story might be featured on our blog. We are brimming with excitement to hear about your unique journey and showcase your enthusiasm for the hobby.
Glenn Codere
What sport/sports do you follow?
Who are your favourite team/teams?
Detroit Tigers.
How long have you been collecting?
I've been collecting baseball cards since the late 1960s when I was a kid growing up in Detroit. A move to Scotland in '73 meant that I lost the bulk of my collection to that point, so when I rediscovered the hobby in the late 1980s I had to start virtually from scratch.
What do you collect?
I've put together complete Topps sets (with a few recent exceptions) from 1959 onwards including errors and variations, a Detroit Tigers team collection of almost 12k cards including T205s, T206s, Goudeys, PlayBall, early Bowman, moderns relics, autos, parallels, vintage and modern Topps insert sets, late 1960s/70s Topps and OPC Hockey sets, late 1960s/70s Topps Football(US), and dedicated vintage Detroit Red Wings and Lions collections. I also collect items featuring Glasgow-born Bobby Thomson. The whole collection numbers over 100K cards, with about 20% of that in the vintage (pre-1981) category.
This is very impressive, do you collect any memorabilia outside of cards?

Is there a favourite card you own?

What card would you most like to own?
A lot of individuals have joined the hobby for all sorts of reasons, what kind of collector are you?
I am very much a collector - not a dealer. I'm passionate about championing more trading and sharing within the UK collector community, especially commons. I also try to encourage the collecting of vintage cards and putting much less emphasis on condition. I have several, shall we say, "well loved" cards in my collection. It's all part of the history and for me doesn't detract from them in any great way.